Wednesday, January 12, 2011

racial? racy? racist?

I've been the term 'pow wow' totally and completely racist now?! I mean, when I taught elementary school (shudder), we couldn't say "sit Indian style, you little brats"...we had to say "criss-cross applesauce" which always A: made me want to spin my clothes around backwards and Jump! Jump! and B: made me hungry. So does that mentality extend beyond the way we tell little mongrels to quit wiggling and just be freaking still?

I literally used the term 'pow wow' five times last week - the first time on accident (sorta), but then as a little experiment on how people would react. Naturally, because I work with the least funny people on God's green earth, no one wanted to play my game with me... boo.

"Hey coworker A, can we pow wow about that one thing you tried to dump on my plate?!"
"Listen, coworker B, I've told you how to do this like fourteen times, and you keep screwing it up. Do we need to pow wow about it again?"
"Yeah, I just had a pow wow with coworker X about that one thing he said he was gonna do, but didn't..."

NO. FREAKING. REACTION. WHATSOEVER (but you bet your sweet melons that if I'd eaten something with more than eight grams of fat in it, there'd be an uproar!). This experiment clearly needs some tweaking and revisitation.

So, Kal...give it to me straight: am I a racist asshole, or an old-fashioned wordsmith?!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Holy smokes I think I just found an app that let's me blog from my phone. This could be awesome!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hey Kal

Remember how your mom is a total asshole?

Me too.

Did you know that she's afraid of wind, but not bats or giant spiders with boxing gloves?

What a nut.

And remember that one time when I watched Shark Week every minute that I was home during that whole week, even though it totally and completely freaked me out? You should have come and watched it with me. I would have painted your nails and let you make out with my pumpkin candle that you are so enamored with.

Maybe next time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

...remember when Sum...

...created this blog with me and has posted on it exactly ONE time?!?!?! Remember that?!?! Remember all the funny things she swore she'd post?! Does it make you sad inside, too?

A gem I just found in my text messages, circa July 18th, 2010:
Summer: Oh my God it SMELLS. Like a natural gas. Or pee.
Nicole: ........
(5 minutes pass)
Summer: You know what it is?! It's like when your pee smells metallic. Or asparagus-y. Odorous urine, if you will.

End scene.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

you're so considerate...

No, it's cool. Of course I wouldn't want to squander the 7 o' clock hour of my Sunday morning by actually sleeping. That'd be silly. Thanks for calling me on that ish and getting my day started before the sun came up. You're the best.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

you know what sounds good right now?!

I'll give you one guess, but you won't need it...give up?! The answer: more veggies. Since I'm clearly deficient in any number of vitamins, and cannot stop craving vegetables (a lame waste of a craving, if you ask me). First it was broccoli. Then avocado. Now? CORN. Buttered on the cob. Grilled little niblets. Any and all things corny...

...well that's handy...